how to use linkedin to get a job



Did you know that you could get a job through LinkedIn? If you’re a job seeker or perhaps, you just finished college and you’re looking for a job, then you might want to consider LinkedIn. When it comes to the top professional social platform, then LinkedIn is definitely your best option. Perhaps, you’re already on LinkedIn but you aren’t maximizing it, then this is your chance to do so.

Nevertheless, in today’s blog post, we’d be sharing the top five hacks for finding a job on LinkedIn.

  1. Optimize Your Profile: If you want to get that job you’ve always wanted, then this is the first thing you must do. Optimizing your profile is essential to enable employers discover your profile and to get people to contact you. If you want to optimize your profile, you will have to upload a clear profile photo of yourself, write a highly comprehensive headline and  bio, include all your skills and achievements, your education history and don’t forget to put your past experience (If any).
  2. Make Good Use of the Advanced Search Feature: One good thing about LinkedIn is its advanced search feature. This feature allows you to search for various potential employers and connect with them. Depending on where you’d like to work, you could do some research on who you’d like your potential employers to be and then go ahead and connect with them.
  1. Be Active and Offer Immense Value: If you’re on LinkedIn, one thing is crucial and that is- you always need to be active. In other not to miss out on vital job opportunities, being active on LinkedIn is very important. Also, you might want to consider offering value through posts or articles you write. This will help ensure that you position yourself as someone who has immense value to offer. Writing highly educative and value packed posts, will help position you as an authority in your field.
  1. Network! Network!! Network!!! – Apart from connecting with potential employers on LinkedIn. You could decide to network with them out of LinkedIn. This will help you get to know them better and connect with them personally. Also, apart from using LinkedIn, attending other networking events could also be helpful. You never know where you might get that job you’ve always wanted!
  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask: If you’ve followed the above steps and you really need a job, do not be afraid to message the potential employers you connected with – politely asking them if they have any vacancy. It is important to be confident when approaching them. You never know, they might just have one!

Nevertheless, if you’ve ever wondered how to make good use of LinkedIn then, this is for you. If you follow the steps above, then you’d get a job in no time. However, if you need further help, feel free to reach out to us at

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