5 Mistakes That Could Cost You Your Job

5 Mistakes That Could Cost You Your Job

No one is safe from making mistakes. Even the most careful person in the world will commit a mistake. But there are some mistakes, that would seem like a minor one, that could cost you big time – for example, your career and job.

Don’t waste your career and the opportunity that others have wanted desperately. This article hopes to inform people out there of these tiny mistakes that could end up being a huge headache if taken too far.

Here are a few mistakes that seem trivial at first but could come back to haunt you:

1. Stealing Office Supplies

Both employers and employees have a fair share of lifting a few office supplies and bringing them home. Well most of them to be precise. It’s so prevalent that some companies even expect it from happening. Rest assured that bringing a pen or a notepad home once isn’t something a company would make a big deal about.

The problem however, comes when that person doesn’t know how to stop and take things too far. When a rare occurrence becomes an “always”. If someone from the higher ups gets a wind of your actions, you could lose your job and your career.

2. Complaining or Ranting About Your Work On Social Media

Thanks to the internet, social media has flourished and almost anyone has an account on various platforms. Some use social media as a platform to connect, share, and communicate. But some use it as a way of blowing off steam.

And there’s nothing bad about ranting on social media, especially if It’s around the circle of whom you trust. But that’s not always the case – social media platforms are public and is open for everyone to see. Keep this in mind when you decide to bash, rant, or complain about your company – because if your company gets a wind of it, you could end up losing your job overnight.

This doesn’t mean you can’t seek sympathy when you’re working late or having difficulties with your project, or just having a bad day, but post it in a way that’s employer or company neutral. You can say something along the lines of “9 PM and still in the office”. But it’s not okay to directly attack your employer, or company in a public forum post.

Companies will want to maintain their image at all cost, and if it comes to firing an employee, they will do it. Know when to share things, and know when to keep things private. This will not only help you in keeping your job, but for other instances as well.

3. Being Too Talkative in The Office

It pays to be social at work. It’s a great way to help pass the time and create a positive workspace by creating bonds and strengthening relationships with your co-workers. With that said, being social and being too talkative are two very different things.

If you are spending way too much time talking with your colleagues even after break time, you might want to cut back on that. Chances are, you’ll be dubbed as the co-worker who’s annoying and distracting, as well as not get things done because you’re too busy talking.

4. Using Company Resources for One’s Gain

Every business that involves the use of equipment and materials that employees need to do their jobs is at risk of this. Personal use of company materials, equipment, and resources are to be expected. It only becomes a problem when it’s done in excess.

Most of us have used the company phone to do a personal call or have used the copier from time to time. If you do it occasionally, then there’s no cause for concern. But if you constantly do it, abusing the privileges that the company is giving you, then you might find yourself in deep water.
Using the company copier to print a hundred flyers of your son’s soccer match may be tempting – but the money you’ll save is not worth the risk of losing your job.

5. Drinking Too Much on Company Events

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a company, department, or team party, there’s likely a situation where alcohol is involved. There’s always that urge to indulge and enjoy yourself, which is a good thing if done moderately. There’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks really, but it becomes a huge problem when you let yourself get carried away.

Being drunk and intoxicated in a company party makes you look irresponsible. And when you’re drunk, you lack inhibition, which could lead into so many dangerous and career threatening scenarios. Take it too far and you’ll know what’s worse than waking up with a hangover – waking up jobless with a hangover. One way of avoiding this is having a colleague you can trust to be with you and stop you from drinking too much – or not drink at all.

Nonetheless, these are some deadly mistakes that could cost you your job. Hence, it is crucial to avoid making these mistakes at all costs.

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