


We’ve often heard so many people talk about how they’d feel if they got a chance to work at their dream job. The feeling and enthusiasm that comes with working at the company you’ve always dreamed of are incomparable. However, not everyone dreams of the same thing; similarly, not everyone desires the same type of job. Hence, everyone has expectations of their dream job. 

So, what is yours?

  • To work for one of the Fortune 100 companies
  • To work for a famous brand like Google, Apple, Amazon, GUCCI, etc.
  • To have a job with a huge paycheck
  • To have a job offering flexibility and lots of paid vacations

Whatever your dream job may be, we want to tell you that you can work at that dream company you’ve always wanted! So, even if your dream job is to work in one of the most reputable firms in the world, all you need is to have a proper strategy and calculated plan that would help you land your dream job at any given time.

Therefore, no matter what career stage you are at, it is never too late. Every step counts. All you need to have is a steady direction to move in.

So, let’s dig in!

1. Work on Your Skills

You’ll be surprised to know that a company receives 250 resumes for a job post on average. For dream job openings, the competition becomes more vigorous. Indeed, it would be best if you gave your recruiter solid reasons to choose you from the rest 249 candidates. Now, the question is – how do you do that?

You could achieve this by working on your trade, soft, and special skills. 

  1. Trade Skill – This is your identity. It would help if you were the best at what you do to get the best. Know everything necessary about your area of expertise. Be the master at it. You need to become so good at your trade skill that it makes your dream company feel that if they don’t hire you, they’d be missing out on a huge talent.
  2. Soft Skill – This is your personality. To succeed in a corporate environment, you need to function well as a cog in the wheel. Your soft skills will help you with that. You can start working on your soft skill in your present organization. Ensure you have a fantastic personality and know how to work effectively with others.
  3. Special Skill – This is what makes you unique. Attain additional specializations along with your trade skill. It can be new technology, management courses, new field, etc. To help you stand out, you should consider getting other skills that show you’ve gone the extra mile to improve yourself.

2. Work on Your Resume

You’ll also be surprised to know that recruiters take an average of 6 seconds to scan a resume. Therefore, your resume must be concise and attractive enough to gain the recruiter’s attention and become one of 4-6 selected resumes out of over 250. For any dream job, recruiters tend to scrutinize resumes properly before selecting you for the next stage.

Tips to Know

  • No fillers. Only add information that can help a recruiter know you better, know your work experience, and know your skills and achievements. Omit anything else.
  • Design your resume according to the company that’d be receiving your application.
  • Don’t copy. Just remember the syntax of writing a resume. Rest, your resume should be, at best, your reflection.

You should also have a cover letter and your resume customized according to the company’s role descriptions.

3. Work on Your Networking Skills

One of the most common tips to land a job is to network. However, nobody tells you how and most probably – you, like many others, might have got networking wrong.

What do we mean by networking?

Networking helps you to create a network of mutually benefiting professional relationships. It is not just about exchanging business cards or keeping in touch during special occasions, festivals, or small talks. If you think a person can help you with your career, then think about how you could prove helpful to them. This way, they will not harbor any negative emotions about you.

4. Don’t Prioritize Comfort Over the Opportunity.

It’s highly unlikely that you will land your dream job company without putting in any effort. Therefore, you will have to create a path towards it where you work on your skills and get professional experience by doing other jobs. Generally, this path isn’t that easy, as you will be required to step out of your comfort zone many times.

If you are serious about landing your dream job, you should never prioritize comfort over opportunity. So, whether it is about staying one hour extra every night after work to practice your skill or accepting a job that pays less but may be good for your experience, DO IT.

5. Build a personal brand

Out of all the success stories of people getting their dream jobs, many talks about how they were found by hiring recruiters who viewed their online profiles. It is also common nowadays for recruiters to google you whenever you apply for a job.

Hence, you should focus on building a personal brand online.

  1. Create a personal website with your resume, portfolio, and anything interesting you can muster. For instance, you can write well-detailed blog posts on the website.
  2. Add value to your society by posting helpful information online. For instance, if you are a great speaker, you can help others become good at it by answering relevant questions on Quora.
  3. Join platforms that are relevant to your trade skills. For instance, if you are a great programmer, you should post your projects on websites like GitHub

6. Don’t Just Stick to The Accepted Norms

The competition for good-paying jobs has become overwhelming. However, with the advent of the internet and widespread availability to use advanced technology, there is more than one way to apply for your dream job.

For instance, many big tech companies conduct coding competitions where you can get a direct entry to the company. Perhaps, if you are an artist, your work online might be liked so much by a company that they might contact you for a job.

Also, you can now check for your dream job openings with big firms by visiting the career page on their website or checking their social media handles. So, don’t stick to the norms. Instead, do what you can with as much creativity and smartness as possible.

Conclusively, what matters the most is to have the right attitude. Yes, the competition is fierce, but always ensure you have the right attitude. Also, if you are serious about getting your dream job, you should reach out to us at Global Career Advisors. Last week, we helped another amazing person get his dream job, and we believe you deserve that too! Our popular 8-step process to land your dream job will help you get that job you’ve always desired in the next 30 days! So, if you believe that you’re ready to get that dream job, then stop thinking and simply contact us here

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